资源类型:大内密探之零零性性百度云盘,百度网盘,ed2k下载 主演: 徐锦江 / 黄一飞 / 杨玉梅 类型: 剧情 制片国家/地区: 中国香港 语言: 粤语 上映日期: 1996-08-10(中国香港) 片长: 97分钟 又名: 玉蒲团笑传 / Yu Pui Tsuen III IMDb链接: tt0118208 剧情简介:在线影院:天龙影院 明朝大内密探零零零,惧妻如虎,一心为国效忠;可惜在其卧底生涯中,从没被委派任务。妻子雪儿,鬼谷子后人,略懂占卜皇相,触觉敏锐,略带神经质。一日,零零零被上司李义派往妓院“迎春阁”内,调查春药害人一事,零认为大材小用,迫于无奈答应,返家告之雪,雪大发雷霆,认为事非同小可即替零占卜问卦,得悉此行略带风险,零苦苦哀求,雪才应允其出征。 零苦思之下,终以作《玉蒲团》一书为名,留在院内,芳得悉有外人混入,决往问个究竟,零欲辩难辩,终允书中女主角以芳为名,才可脱身。 零在“迎春阁”内,又要讨好众人,又要写下众人的犯罪证据;又要面对珠、云的诱惑;又要担心雪随时因问卦不利的撞来;又要面对上司的压力,忙得不可开交,有甜、有苦、有血有泪。
Chinese Secret Agent 000 (Elvis Tsui Kam-kong) has been assigned to investigate the strange goings-on at the Ying Chun brothel. The place is exuding such magnetism on the local men that the birthrate is falling through the floor. Outfitted with the only fountain pen in China, his mission goes swimmingly at first when he gains the confidence of a couple of prostitutes under the guise of being a writer. Yet when his domineering wife gets wind of his doings, she hits the roof, forcing him to shave his head as a sign of adultery and to wear a nightmarish chastity belt which threatens to castrate him when he gets an erection. With scores of naked young lasses writhing around him and a veg-o-matic attached to his genitals, 000's torment is more than he can bear.


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资源:百度网盘 提取码:e8jt
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