资源类型:男与女百度云盘,百度网盘,ed2k下载 主演: 孔刘 / 全度妍 / 李美素 / 朴秉恩 / 朴敏智 / 尹世雅 / 维拉·W·维洛 / 马尔科·维尔斯克曼 / 卡蒂·奥廷宁 类型: 剧情 / 爱情 制片国家/地区: 韩国 语言: 韩语 上映日期: 2016-02-25(韩国) 片长: 115分钟 又名: 雪国恋人(港) / 关不住的诱惑(台) / 男和女 / A Man and A Woman IMDb链接: tt5700648 剧情简介:在线影院:ok电影天堂 桑敏来到芬兰,把她患有孤独症的儿子送到一个特别的营地,但她在白雪皑皑的赫尔辛基感到极度的疏离。基洪是一名建筑师,在芬兰执行派遣任务.他的家庭也不是那么完美,女儿有孩子抑郁,妻子精神不安。两人第一次在这个特别营地的集合点相遇。他们可以在安静的情况下一起去露营,但开始感到舒服,彼此联系起来。在返回赫尔辛基的路上,道路被大雪堵住了,桑民和麒麟被隔离在森林和湖边的一个小木屋里。他们被不可抗拒的激情迷住了,在一起度过了一夜。但是第二天,他们分开了,没有问对方的名字.
Sang-min comes to Finland to send her autistic son to a special camp, but she feels extremely alienated in snow covered-white Helsinki. Ki-hong is an architect working in Finland on dispatched duty. His family is not so perfect either with a daughter having child depression and mentally unease wife. The two meet for the first time at the gathering point of this special camp. They get to have a short trip to the camp together in silence but start to feel comfortable and connected to each other. On their way back to Helsinki, with the road blocked from heavy snow, Sang-min and Ki-hong are isolated in a cabin by the forest and lake. Carried away by irresistible passion, they spend a night together. But the next day, they go separate ways without asking each other's name...


资源:迅雷云盘 提取码:96xd
资源:百度网盘 提取码:zxac
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