一、tkinter UI界面;
用户: user: {user_name,id, password, reg_time}
采购--进货: purchase: {id, name, price, num, statu(定、收、退), shop,phone ,user_id}
库存: stock: {id, sum, price, name, }
流水账--卖出: runuing: {id, stock_id, num, acount, time, user_id}
[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码
""" 程序入口 : 界面调用其他模块 (1)option.config : 配置文件 ·init: False(默认), 未初始化数据库; true,数据库已经建立。 程序自己完成。 ·host: 主机; ·user: 数据库用户 ·password:数据库密码 ·database: 用户数据库( warehouse ) (2)settings.py: 基础设置。 (3)mysql_connnect.py: 实现对数据库的各种操作 (4)gui.py: 程序UI设计, 程序入口 """ import tkinter as tk import tkinter.messagebox from tkinter import Menu from tkinter import ttk import time import settings import mysql_connect as sql import re # 登录类 class sign_frame( tk.Frame ): def __init__(self, **kwargs ): super().__init__( **kwargs) tk.Label( self, text="登录", width=10,height=2, font=("黑体",15),bg="cyan" ).place(x=250,y=10) self.place(x=160, y=40) tk.Label( self, text="账号: ", width= 14, height=2, font=("楷体", 12),bg="palegreen", anchor="w")\ .place(x =150, y=100 ) self.user_id = tk.Entry(self, width=20) self.user_id.place(x= 300, y=110) tk.Label( self, text="密码: ", width= 14, height=2, font=("楷体", 12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" )\ .place(x =150, y=150 ) self.user_pw = tk.Entry(self, width=20) self.user_pw.place(x= 300, y=160) tk.Label( self, text="重新输入密码: ", width= 14, height=2, font=("楷体", 12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" )\ .place(x =150, y=200 ) self.user_pw2 = tk.Entry(self, width=20) self.user_pw2.place(x= 300, y=210) tk.Button( self, text="登录", width=10,height=1, command=self.check).place(x=150, y=270 ) tk.Button( self, text="退出", width=10,height=1, command=self.quit_user).place(x=365, y=270 ) def check(self): user_id = self.user_id.get() user_pw = self.user_pw.get() user_pw2 = self.user_pw2.get() # Todo 测试结束后删除 #user_id ="root" #user_pw = user_pw2 = "root" if(user_pw != user_pw2): tk.messagebox.showwarning(title='提示', message='密码不一致!') else: # done 登录验证 ans = sql.check_sign(user_id, user_pw) if ans[0] : tk.messagebox.showinfo( title="提示",message="登陆成功!") settings.user["name"] = ans[1] settings.user["id"] = user_id else: tk.messagebox.showwarning(title='提示', message='密码错误!') tk.Label( master=root ,text="昵称:{}\t\t账号:{}".format( settings.user["name"], settings.user["id"] ))\ .place(x=50, y=10) def quit_user(self): settings.user["name"] = "" settings.user["id"] = "" tk.Label( master=root ,text="昵称:{}\t\t账号:{}".format( settings.user["name"], settings.user["id"] ), width=200, anchor="w")\ .place(x=50, y=10) # 购货管理 class purchase_frame( tk.Frame ): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__( **kwargs) tk.Label( self, text="购货管理", width=10,height=2, font=("黑体",15),bg="cyan" ).place(x=250,y=10) self.place(x=160, y=40) # 实现订货 tk.Label( self, text="订货", width=10,height=2, font=("黑体",13),bg="palegreen" ).place(x=100,y=70) tk.Label( self, text="商品名:", width=10,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=10,y=90) self.name = tk.Entry(self, width=18 ) self.name.place(x=100,y=100 ) tk.Label( self, text="数量 :", width=10,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=10,y=120) self.num = tk.Entry( self, width=18) self.num.place(x=100, y=130) tk.Label( self, text="单价:", width=10,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=10,y=150) self.price = tk.Entry( self, width=18) self.price.place(x=100, y=160) tk.Label( self, text="供货商:", width=10,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=10,y=180) self.shop = tk.Entry( self, width=18) self.shop.place(x=100, y=190) tk.Label( self, text="联系方式:", width=10,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=10,y=210) self.phone = tk.Entry( self, width=18) self.phone.place(x=100, y=220) tk.Button(self, text="确认订货", width=10,height=1, command=self.order_goods).place(x=10, y=270 ) tk.Button(self, text="重置", width=10,height=1, command=self.set_entry).place(x=150, y=270 ) # 实现收货和退货 tk.Label( self, text="订货清单", width=10,height=2, font=("黑体",13),bg="palegreen" ).place(x=300,y=70) self.info_list = tk.Listbox(self, width=40, height=13, font=("宋体",12)) self.info_list.place(x=250,y=100) self.add_inof_list() menu = Menu(root, tearoff=0) menu.add_command(label="收货", command=self.get_goods) menu.add_command(label="查看信息", command= self.show_info_selected) #menu.add_separator() menu.add_command(label="退货", command= self.return_goods) self.menu = menu # 鼠标右键弹出菜单 self.info_list.bind("<Button-3>", self.popupmenu) # 收货 def get_goods(self): loc = self.info_list.curselection()[0] data = str( self.info_list.get(loc) ).split(" ") title = ['订单编号:','商品名:','供货商:','联系方式:'] format_data = "" for index in range( len( title) ): format_data += str( title[index])+ str( data[index])+"\n" if tk.messagebox.askyesno( title="确认收货", message=format_data): self.info_list.delete(loc) # done 数据库修改 sql.change_goods_state_receving(data[0], data[1]) # 退货处理 def return_goods(self): loc = self.info_list.curselection()[0] data = str( self.info_list.get(loc) ).split(" ") title = ['订单编号:','商品名:','供货商:','联系方式:'] format_data = "" for index in range( len( title) ): format_data += str( title[index])+ str( data[index])+"\n" if tk.messagebox.askyesno( title="确认退货", message=format_data): self.info_list.delete(loc) # done 数据库修改 sql.change_goods_state_back(data[0]) # 订货清单打开菜单 def popupmenu(self,event): if len ( self.info_list.curselection()) : self.menu.post(event.x_root, event.y_root) # 添加订货清单信息 def add_inof_list(self): # done 获取数据库信息 data = sql.get_goods_info_order() for item in data: self.info_list.insert('end', item ) # 订货 def order_goods(self): id = self.get_id() name = self.name.get() num = self.num.get() price = "%5.2f" % float( self.price.get()) state = "订货" shop = self.shop.get() phone = self.phone.get() user_id = settings.user["id"] show_data = "{} {} {} {}".format(id,name,shop, phone) self.info_list.insert('end', show_data) # done 写入数据库 sql.order_goods(id=id, name=name, num=num, price=price,shop=shop,phone=phone, user_id=user_id) # 计算订单编号 def get_id(self): id_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.localtime(time.time())) # DOne 读取数据库今日订单数量 id_num = int(sql.get_purchase_day_sum( id_time )) return str(id_time)+( "_{:0>4d}".format(id_num) ) # 清空订货信息(订货) def set_entry(self): self.name.delete(0,'end') self.num.delete(0,'end') self.price.delete(0,'end') self.shop.delete(0,'end') self.phone.delete(0,'end') # 显示订单详情( 状态 = ‘订货’) def show_info_selected(self): data = self.info_list.get( self.info_list.curselection()[0]) id = data.split(" ")[0] # done 查询订单的详细信息 data = sql.get_goods_detailed_info( id ) format_data = "" for item in data: format_data += str(item)+"\n" tk.messagebox.showinfo( title="提示",message=format_data) # 零售管理 class running_frame( tk.Frame ): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__( **kwargs) tk.Label( self, text="零售管理", width=10,height=2, font=("黑体",15),bg="cyan" ).place(x=250,y=10) self.place(x=160, y=40) # 添加商品 tk.Label( self, text="商品名-编号", width=20,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w").place(x=20,y=70) tk.Label( self, text="单价", width=10,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=250,y=70) tk.Label( self, text="数量", width=10,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=350,y=70) tk.Label( self, text="合计", width=10,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=450,y=70) self.name_id = ttk.Combobox(self,width=28) self.name_id.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>",self.update_goods_info) self.name_id.place(x=20, y=100) self.set_value() self.price = tk.Spinbox(self,width=7, from_=0,to=100000,increment=1,command=self.change_num) self.price.place( x=250, y=100) self.num = tk.Spinbox(self,width=7, from_=0,to=100000,increment=1) self.num.place( x=350, y=100) self.account = tk.Label(self, text="-----", width=10,height=1, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ) self.account.place(x=450,y=100) tk.Button(self, text="单品合计", width=10,height=1, command=self.add_goods).place(x=510,y=90) # 商品展示 self.goods_info = tk.Listbox(self, width=71, height=9, font=("宋体", 12)) self.goods_info.place(x=20,y=140) # 商品清除 menu = Menu(root, tearoff=0) menu.add_command(label="删除", command=self.del_goods) self.menu = menu # 鼠标右键弹出菜单 self.goods_info.bind("<Button-3>", self.popupmenu) #总额计算 tk.Button( self,text="计算总和", width=10,height=1, command= self.all_account ).place(x=20, y=310) tk.Button( self,text="清空商品", width=10,height=1, command= self.del_goods_info ).place(x=510, y=310) self.money = tk.Label(self, text="-----", width=10,height=1, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ) self.money.place( x=200, y=310) # 设置商品信息 def set_value(self): # done 获取库存商品name id data = sql.get_stock_goods_name_id() self.name_id['value'] = data #选择商品后修改对应数据 def update_goods_info(self,event): name_id = str ( self.name_id.get() ).split(" ") id = name_id[1] # done 读取商品的库存价格 price = sql.get_stock_goods_price(id) self.price.delete(0,'end') self.price.insert(0, price) # 修改价格整数为小数 def change_num(self): data = self.price.get() self.price.insert('end',".00") # 计算商品价格 加入购物车 def add_goods(self): name_id = self.name_id.get() price = self.price.get() num = self.num.get() account = eval(price) * eval(num) self.account['text'] = format(account, '>5.2f') data = "{} {}/元 {}/个 {}元".format(name_id, str(price), str(num), format(account, '>5.2f')) self.goods_info.insert(0, data) # 商品清单打开菜单 def popupmenu(self,event): if len ( self.goods_info.curselection()) : self.menu.post(event.x_root, event.y_root) # 删除商品--商品栏中清除 def del_goods(self): loc = self.goods_info.curselection()[0] data = str( self.goods_info.get(loc) ).replace(" ","\n") if tk.messagebox.askyesno( title="确认删除", message=data): self.goods_info.delete(loc) # 计算商品总和 def all_account(self): data = self.goods_info.get(0,'end') money = float(0) for item in data: money += float ( str(item).split(" ")[-1][:-1] ) self.money['text'] = format( money, '<8.2f' ) # DOne 流水账 输入数据库 sql.write_running( settings.user["id"] , data ) # 清空商品 def del_goods_info(self): if tk.messagebox.askyesno( title="确认删除", message="清空商品栏?"): self.goods_info.delete(0,'end') self.money['text'] = "-----" # 仓库管理 class warehouse_frame( tk.Frame ): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__( **kwargs) tk.Label( self, text="仓库管理", width=10,height=2, font=("黑体",15),bg="cyan" ).place(x=250,y=10) self.place(x=160, y=40) # 查看存货 tk.Label( self, text="商品名", width=20,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w").place(x=20,y=70) self.name = ttk.Combobox( self, width=20 ) self.name.place( x=20,y=100 ) self.set_name() tk.Label( self, text="数量", width=10,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=250,y=70) self.num_type = ttk.Combobox( self, width=1 ) self.num_type['value'] = ['>','=',"<"] self.num_type.current(0) self.num_type.place( x=250,y=100 ) self.num_value = tk.Spinbox(self,width=4, from_=0,to=9999999,increment=1) self.num_value.place( x=280,y=100 ) tk.Label( self, text="价格", width=10,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=350,y=70) self.price_type = ttk.Combobox( self, width=1 ) self.price_type['value'] = ['>','=',"<"] self.price_type.current(0) self.price_type.place( x=350,y=100 ) self.price_value = tk.Spinbox(self,width=4, from_=0,to=9999999,increment=1,command= self.set_price_value) self.price_value.place( x=380,y=100 ) tk.Button(self, text="条件查询", font=("楷体",12), command= self.find_stock).place(x=430,y=95) tk.Button(self, text="查询全部", bg="gold",font=("楷体",12), command=self.find_all_stock).place(x=510,y=95) # 库存显示 self.stock_info = tk.Listbox(self, width=80, height=10) self.stock_info.place( x=20, y=150) # 读取库存商品名 def set_name(self): # done 读取数据库库存商品名 data = sql.get_stock_goods_name_id() self.name['value'] = data # 按条件查询库存 def find_stock(self): name = str ( self.name.get()).split(" ")[0] num = self.num_type.get() + self.num_value.get() price = self.price_type.get() + self.price_value.get() # done 按条件查询库存 data = sql.get_stock_goods_price_and_num( name, num, price ) self.stock_info.delete(0,'end') for item in data: self.stock_info.insert('end', item ) # 查询所有库存 def find_all_stock(self): # done 查询全部库存 data = sql.get_all_stock_info() self.stock_info.delete(0,'end') for item in data: self.stock_info.insert('end', item ) # 格式化价格设置 def set_price_value(self): self.price_value.insert('end','.00') # 结算管理 class acount_frame( tk.Frame ): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__( **kwargs) tk.Label( self, text="结算管理", width=10,height=2, font=("黑体",15),bg="cyan" ).place(x=250,y=10) self.place(x=160, y=40) # 查询条件 tk.Label( self, text="查询类型:", width=20,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w").place(x=10,y=70) self.type = ttk.Combobox(self, width=15 ,height=2) self.type['value'] = ['购货账目','零售账目'] self.type.place(x=90, y=75) self.type.current(0) tk.Label( self, text="开始时间:", width=20,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w").place(x=10,y=100) self.y1 = tk.Spinbox(self,width=6, from_=0,to=2050,increment=1, command= self.set_y1 ) self.y1.place(x=90,y=107) self.y1.delete(0,'end') self.y1.insert(0,'2020年') self.m1 = tk.Spinbox(self,width=3, from_=1,to=12,increment=1, command= self.set_m1) self.m1.place(x=145,y=107) self.m1.delete(0,'end') self.m1.insert(0,'1月') self.d1 = tk.Spinbox(self,width=3, from_=1,to=31,increment=1, command= self.set_d1) self.d1.place(x=180,y=107) self.d1.delete(0,'end') self.d1.insert(0,'1日') tmp_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.localtime(time.time())).split("-") tk.Label( self, text="结束时间:", width=20,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w").place(x=10,y=130) self.y2 = tk.Spinbox(self,width=6, from_=0,to=2050,increment=1, command= self.set_y2 ) self.y2.place(x=90,y=137) self.y2.delete(0,'end') self.y2.insert(0,'{}年'.format(tmp_time[0])) self.m2 = tk.Spinbox(self,width=3, from_=1,to=12,increment=1, command= self.set_m2) self.m2.place(x=145,y=137) self.m2.delete(0,'end') self.m2.insert(0,'{}月'.format(tmp_time[1])) self.d2 = tk.Spinbox(self,width=3, from_=1,to=31,increment=1, command= self.set_d2) self.d2.place(x=180,y=137) self.d2.delete(0,'end') self.d2.insert(0,'{}日'.format(tmp_time[2])) tk.Label( self, text="操作员:", width=20,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w").place(x=10,y=160) self.user = ttk.Combobox(self, width=15 ,height=2) self.user.place(x=90, y=165) self.set_user_val() tk.Button(self, text="查询", width=28,height=1, command=self.find_info).place(x=10, y=240 ) # 查询结果显示 self.ans_info = tk.Listbox(self, width=45,height=15, font=('宋体',12)) self.ans_info.place( x=220, y=70) self.ans_info.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.show_detailed_ans_info) # 显示详细信息 def show_detailed_ans_info(self,event): type = self.ans_info.curselection() if type and type[0]>0: id = self.ans_info.get( type[0] ) # todo 获取详细信息 data = sql.get_detailed_info( str( self.ans_info.get(0)).strip(), str(id).split(" ")[0] ) tk.messagebox.showinfo(title= str( self.ans_info.get(0) ).strip(), message=data ) # 设置查询条件--操作员 def set_user_val(self): # DOne 获取操作员id_name data = sql.get_user_name_id() self.user['value'] = data # 查询信息 def find_info(self): type = self.type.get() start_time = re.sub( r"[年月日]","","%s-%03s-%03s" % ( str(self.y1.get()),str( self.m1.get()),str(self.d1.get() )) ) end_time = re.sub( r"[年月日]","","%s-%03s-%03s" % ( str(self.y2.get()), str(self.m2.get()),str(self.d2.get()) ) ) start_time.replace(" ",'0') end_time.replace(" ",'0') try: user_id = str( self.user.get() ).split("__")[1] except Exception as e: user_id = "" # done 读取数据库 data = sql.find_running_or_purchase( type, start_time, end_time, user_id) self.ans_info.delete(0,'end') for item in data: self.ans_info.insert('end', item ) # 设置伪日历 def set_y1(self): self.y1.insert('end','年') def set_m1(self): self.m1.insert('end','月') def set_d1(self): self.d1.insert('end','日') def set_y2(self): self.y2.insert('end','年') def set_m2(self): self.m2.insert('end','月') def set_d2(self): self.d2.insert('end','日') # 管理员 class manger_frame( tk.Frame ): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__( **kwargs) tk.Label( self, text="管理员", width=10,height=2, font=("黑体",15),bg="cyan" ).place(x=250,y=10) self.place(x=160, y=40) # 实现 添加账号 tk.Label( self, text="添加账号", width=10,height=2, font=("黑体",13),bg="palegreen" ).place(x=90,y=60) tk.Label( self, text="昵称:", width=10,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=10,y=90) self.name = tk.Entry(self, width=18 ) self.name.place(x=120,y=100 ) tk.Label( self, text="账号 :", width=10,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=10,y=120) self.id = tk.Entry( self, width=18) self.id.place(x=120, y=130) tk.Label( self, text="密码:", width=10,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=10,y=150) self.pw = tk.Entry( self, width=18) self.pw.place(x=120, y=160) tk.Label( self, text="再次输入密码:", width=13,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=10,y=180) self.pw2 = tk.Entry( self, width=18) self.pw2.place(x=120, y=190) tk.Label( self, text="等级:", width=10,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=10,y=210) self.grade = ttk.Combobox( self, width=16) self.grade.place(x=120, y=220) self.grade['value'] = ['管理员','普通操作员'] self.grade.current(1) tk.Button(self, text="添加账号", width=10,height=1, command=self.add_account).place(x=10, y=270 ) tk.Button(self, text="重置", width=10,height=1, command=self.reset_entry).place(x=170, y=270 ) # 实现删除和修改信息 tk.Label( self, text="账号", width=10,height=2, font=("黑体",13),bg="palegreen" ).place(x=300,y=60) self.account_list = tk.Listbox(self, width=35, height=13, font=("宋体",12)) self.account_list.place(x=280,y=100) self.add_account_list() menu = Menu(root, tearoff=0) menu.add_command(label="修改信息", command=self.change_pw) menu.add_command(label="删除账号", command= self.del_account) self.menu = menu # 鼠标右键弹出菜单 self.account_list.bind("<Button-3>", self.popupmenu) # 商品清单打开菜单 def popupmenu(self,event): if len ( self.account_list.curselection()) : self.menu.post(event.x_root, event.y_root) # 添加账号 def add_account(self): name = self.name.get() id = self.id.get() pw = self.pw.get() pw2 = self.pw2.get() grade = self.grade.get() # done 添加账号,写入数据库 if name=="" or id=="" or grade=="": tk.messagebox.showwarning( title="添加账号", message="请填入正确的数据!") else: if not pw==pw2: tk.messagebox.showwarning( title="密码", message="密码不一致!") else: if sql.add_user(name, id, pw, grade): tk.messagebox.showinfo(title="添加账号" ,message="添加成功!") info = "{} {} {} {}".format(name, id, pw,grade) self.account_list.insert('end', info ) else: tk.messagebox.showerror(title="添加账号", message="账号已存在,请修改账号!") # 修改信息界面 def change_pw(self): # 获取数据 data = str ( self.account_list.get( self.account_list.curselection()[0] ) ) data = data.split(" ") print( data ) # 界面 child = tk.Toplevel() child.geometry("280x210+100+100") child.config( bg="palegreen") child.title("修改账号信息") tk.Label( child, text="昵称:", width=10,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=10,y=20) name = tk.Entry(child, width=18 ) name.place(x=120,y=30 ) name.insert(0, data[0] ) tk.Label( child, text="账号 :", width=10,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=10,y=50) id = tk.Label( child, width=18, text=str(data[1]), anchor="w" ) id.place(x=120, y=60) tk.Label( child, text="密码:", width=10,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=10,y=80) pw = tk.Entry( child, width=18) pw.insert( 0,data[2][2:] ) pw.place(x=120, y=90) tk.Label( child, text="等级:", width=10,height=2, font=("楷体",12),bg="palegreen",anchor="w" ).place(x=10,y=110) grade = ttk.Combobox( child, width=16) grade.place(x=120, y=120) grade['value'] = ['管理员','普通操作员'] grade.current(1) if data[3] == "管理员": grade.current(0) tk.Button(child, text="修改信息", width=10,height=1, command=lambda :self.change_account(str(data[1]), name, pw,grade)).place(x=10, y=170 ) tk.Button(child, text="退出", width=10,height=1, command=child.destroy ).place(x=170, y=170 ) child.mainloop() # 修改信息 def change_account(self, id, name,pw, grade): name = name.get() pw = pw.get() grade = grade.get() if name=="" or pw=="" or grade=="": tk.messagebox.showwarning(title="修改用户信息", message="请正确填写相关数据!") else: # done 修改用户信息 sql.update_user_info(id, name, pw, grade) self.account_list.delete(0,'end') self.add_account_list() # 删除账号 def del_account(self): loc = self.account_list.curselection()[0] data = str( self.account_list.get(loc) ).split(" ") title = ['昵称:','账号:','密码:','登记:'] format_data = "" for index in range( len(data) ): format_data += title[ index]+data[index]+"\n" if tk.messagebox.askyesno( title="确认删除", message=data): self.account_list.delete(loc) # done 数据库修改 sql.del_user( data[1] ) # 获取已存在账号信息 def add_account_list(self): # done 获取管理员信息 data = sql.get_user_info() self.account_list.delete(0,'end') for item in data: self.account_list.insert('end', item) # 重置输入框 def reset_entry(self): self.name.delete(0,'end') self.id.delete(0,'end') self.pw.delete(0,'end') self.pw2.delete(0,'end') self.grade.current(0) # 管理员登录 - settings.manger_signing( False/ True) def manger_sign( frame, tmp_frame): child = tk.Toplevel( ) child.geometry("300x230+100+100") child.config( bg="palegreen") child.title("管理员登录") # 管理员登录信息 tk.Label(child, width=10, height=2, text="账号: ", anchor="w",bg="palegreen", font=("黑体", 12) ).place(x=20, y=20) user_id = tk.Entry( child, width=20 ) user_id.place(x=130, y=25 ) tk.Label(child, width=10, height=2, text="密码: ", anchor="w",bg="palegreen", font=("黑体", 12) ).place(x=20, y=60) user_pw = tk.Entry( child, width=20 ) user_pw.place(x=130, y=65 ) tk.Label(child, width=13, height=2, text="再次输入密码: ", anchor="w",bg="palegreen", font=("黑体", 12) ).place(x=20, y=100) user_pw2 = tk.Entry( child, width=20 ) user_pw2.place(x=130, y=105 ) # 操作 tk.Button(child, width=10, height=1, text="登录", command=lambda : manger_sign_check( frame, tmp_frame, child, user_id.get(), user_pw.get(), user_pw2.get())).place(x=20, y=165) tk.Button(child, width=10, height=1, text="重置", command=lambda : reset_manger_sign_info( user_id, user_pw, user_pw2)).place(x=190, y=165) child.mainloop() # 管理员登录 def manger_sign_check(frame, tmp_frame, child, user_id, user_pw, user_pw2 ): if not user_pw==user_pw2: print( user_pw, user_pw2) tk.messagebox.showwarning( title="管理员登录", message="密码不一致!") else: # done 管理员登录 data,name = sql.manger_sign( user_id, user_pw) if data : tk.messagebox.showinfo(title="提示", message="管理员:{}\n \t\t登录成功!".format(name)) child.destroy() settings.manger_signing = True frame.destroy() frame = exec(tmp_frame+"(master=root,width=600, height=350,bg='palegreen' )") else: tk.messagebox.showwarning(title="警告", message="管理员 登录失败!") # 重置管理员登录信息 def reset_manger_sign_info( user_id, user_pw, user_pw2 ): user_id.delete(0,'end') user_pw.delete(0,'end') user_pw2.delete(0,'end') # 实现页面切换 def change_frame( frame, tmp_frame ): if settings.user["name"] == '': tk.messagebox.showerror(title="提示",message="请您登录") else: if tmp_frame == "manger_frame":# 管理员登录 manger_sign( frame, tmp_frame) else: if isinstance(frame, manger_frame): settings.manger_signing = False frame.destroy() frame = exec(tmp_frame+"(master=root,width=600, height=350,bg='palegreen' )") if __name__ == '__main__': root = tk.Tk() root.title("售货管理系统") root.geometry("800x400") tk.Label( master=root ,text="昵称:{}\t账号:{}".format( settings.user["name"], settings.user["id"] ))\ .place(x=50, y=10) frame = sign_frame( master=root,width=600, height=350,bg="palegreen") purchase_button = tk.Button(master=root, text="登录", width=10, height=2, command= lambda : change_frame(frame, "sign_frame")) purchase_button.place(x=50, y=40) purchase_button = tk.Button(master=root, text="购货管理", width=10, height=2, command= lambda : change_frame(frame, "purchase_frame")) purchase_button.place(x=50, y=100) running_button = tk.Button(master=root, text="零售管理", width=10, height=2, command= lambda : change_frame(frame, "running_frame") ) running_button.place(x=50, y=160) warehouse_button = tk.Button(master=root, text="仓库管理", width=10, height=2, command= lambda : change_frame(frame, "warehouse_frame" ) ) warehouse_button.place(x=50, y=220) acount_button = tk.Button(master=root, text="结算管理", width=10, height=2, command= lambda : change_frame(frame, "acount_frame" ) ) acount_button.place(x=50, y=280) manger_button = tk.Button(master=root, text="管理员", width=10, height=2, command= lambda : change_frame( frame, "manger_frame" ) ) manger_button.place(x=50, y=340) root.mainloop()
(2)mysql_conn.py: 数据库操作
[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import settings import re import time sql = settings.mysql_conn cur = sql.cursor() """ 登录界面 """ # 验证登录: 成功,返回True,用户姓名; 失败, 返回False,"" def check_sign(id, pw): code="select name from users where id='{}'and pw='{}' ".format(id, pw) if cur.execute( code ): return True,cur.fetchall()[0][0] else: return False,"" """ 购货管理 """ # 获取订单信息( 状态 =“订货”), id name shop phone def get_goods_info_order(): code = "select id, name, shop,phone from purchase where state='订货'" data = [] if cur.execute( code ): cur_data = cur.fetchall() for item in cur_data: tmp = "" for i in item : tmp += str(i)+" " data.append( tmp ) return data # 获取某订单的详细信息( 状态 =“订货”) def get_goods_detailed_info(id): # 订单id code = "SELECT purchase.*, users.name FROM purchase,users WHERE purchase.id='{}' AND purchase.user_id=users.id ".format( id ) data = [] title = ['订单号:','名字:','价格:','数量:','状态:','店铺名称:','联系方式:','操作员id:','操作员:'] if cur.execute(code ): cur_data = cur.fetchall( )[0] for index in range (len(cur_data) ): #print( cur_data, index, len( cur_data)) data.append( str( title[ index ]) + str( cur_data[index]) ) return data # 订单收货- (1)状态修改为收货; (2)库存修改 def change_goods_state_receving(id, name): # (1)修改状态 code = "update purchase set state='收货' where id='{}'".format(id) cur.execute( code ) # (2)库存修改 code = "select id from stock where name='{}'".format( name ) if cur.execute( code ): code = "update stock set sum= sum+( select num from purchase where id='{}') where id='{}' ".format(id, cur.fetchall()[0][0]) else: cur.execute("select count(*) from stock") s_id = "%06d" % cur.fetchall()[0][0] name = name cur.execute("select num, price from purchase where id='{}'".format(id)) num, price = cur.fetchall()[0] code = "insert into stock(id,name,sum,price) values('{}','{}','{}','{}')".format( s_id, name, num, price) print(code ) cur.execute( code ) # 订单退货- (1)状态修改为 退货 ; def change_goods_state_back(id): code = "update purchase set state='退货' where id='{}'".format(id) cur.execute( code ) # 订货 def order_goods(id, name, num, price,shop,phone, user_id): code = "insert into purchase(id,name,num,price,shop,phone,user_id,state) values('{}','{}','{}',{},'{}','{}','{}','订货')".format(id, name, num, price,shop,phone, user_id) cur.execute( code ) print( code ) # 获取当天订单数量 def get_purchase_day_sum( id_time ): code = "select count(*) from purchase where id like '{}%'".format( id_time ) cur.execute(code) return cur.fetchall()[0][0] + 1 """ 零售管理 """ # 获取库存商品的name id def get_stock_goods_name_id(): code = "select name, id from stock" cur.execute( code ) data = [] tmp_data= cur.fetchall() for item in tmp_data: data_str = "" for i in item : data_str += str(i)+" " data.append( data_str ) return data # 获取库存商品价格---利润值相加 def get_stock_goods_price(id): code = "select price from stock where id='{}'".format( id ) cur.execute( code ) return "%.2f" % (float (cur.fetchall()[0][0]) * (1+settings.profit)) # 流水账写入数据库 def write_running( user_id , data ): id_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.localtime(time.time())) for item in data: cur.execute("select count(*) from running where id like '{}%'".format(id_time)) id_num = cur.fetchall()[0][0] id = str( id_time) +"_"+ "{:0>4d}".format( int( id_num) ) item = re.sub(r" +"," ",str(item) ).split(" ") name = item[0] stock_id = item[1] price = item[2][:-2] num = item[3][:-2] # 添加流水账 code = "insert into running(id, stock_id, num, account, user_id) values('{}','{}','{}','{}','{}')".format( id,stock_id,num, price,user_id ) cur.execute( code ) # 修改库存 code = "update stock set sum=sum-{} where id='{}'".format(num, stock_id ) cur.execute( code ) """ 仓库管理 """ # 获取符合条件的库存信息 def get_stock_goods_price_and_num( name, num, price ): code = "select name, id, price,sum from stock where name like '%{}%' and sum{} and price{} order by id asc".format(name, num, price) cur.execute( code ) data = [] title= ['商品名','编号','价格/元','数量/个'] data.append( "%-25s%-25s%-25s%-25s" % (title[0], title[1], title[2],title[3] )) ans = cur.fetchall() for item in ans: tmp_item = "" for i in item: tmp_item += str(i)+ " "*(25-len( str(i))) data.append(tmp_item ) return data # 获取所有库存信息 def get_all_stock_info(): code = "select name, id, price,sum from stock order by id asc " cur.execute( code ) data = [] title= ['商品名','编号','价格/元','数量/个'] data.append( "%-25s%-25s%-25s%-25s" % (title[0], title[1], title[2], title[3] )) ans = cur.fetchall() for item in ans: tmp_item = "" for i in item: tmp_item += str(i)+ " "*(25-len( str(i))) data.append(tmp_item ) return data """ 结算管理 """ # 获取管理员name_id def get_user_name_id(): code = "select name, id from users" cur.execute( code ) data = [] cur_data = cur.fetchall() for item in cur_data: data.append( str( item[0] ) + "__" + str( item[1] ) ) return data # 获取流水账单或者购货账单 def find_running_or_purchase( type, start_time, end_time, user_id): data = [] if type=="购货账目": data.append( " "*10 + "购货账目") code = "select id, name, shop ,state from purchase where id>='{}_0000' and id<='{}_9999' and user_id like '%{}%' ".format( start_time,end_time, user_id) else: data.append( " "*10 + "零售账目") code = "select running.id, stock.name, running.num, running.time from running, stock where running.stock_id=stock.id and running.id>='{}_0000' and running.id<='{}_9999' and running.user_id like '%{}%' ".format(start_time,end_time, user_id) # print(code) if cur.execute( code ): cur_data = cur.fetchall() for item in cur_data: tmp = "" for i in item : tmp += str(i)+ " " data.append( tmp ) return data # 查看查询数据的详细信息 def get_detailed_info( type, id ): print( type, id ) data = "" if type=="购货账目": title = ['购物编号:','商品名:','订单数量:','单价:','状态:','供货商:','联系方式:','操作员:'] code = "select p.id, p.name,p.num, p.price,p.state, p.shop,p.phone,u.name from purchase p,users u where p.id='{}' and p.user_id=u.id ".format( id ) else: title = ['流水编号:','商品名:','销售数量:','价格:','结单时间:','操作员:'] code = "select r.id, s.name, r.num,r.account, r.time, u.name from running r, stock s, users u where r.id='{}' and s.id=r.stock_id and u.id=r.user_id".format(id) cur.execute( code ) cur_data = cur.fetchall()[0] for index in range( len(title) ): data += str( title[index]) + str( cur_data[index] ) + "\n" return data """ 管理员 """ # 添加账号 def add_user(name, id, pw, grade): code = " insert into users(name, id, pw, grade) values('{}','{}','{}','{}')".format( name, id, pw,grade) try: cur.execute( code ) return True except Exception: return False # 删除账号 def del_user( id ): code = "delete from users where id='{}'".format( id ) cur.execute( code ) # 获取管理员信息 def get_user_info(): code = "select name,id,pw,grade from users " cur.execute( code ) data = [] cur_data = cur.fetchall() for item in cur_data: tmp_code = "{} {} p:{} {}".format( str(item[0]), str(item[1]), str(item[2]),str(item[3]) ) data.append( tmp_code ) return data # 修改用户信息 def update_user_info(id, name, pw, grade): code = "update users set name='{}',pw='{}',grade='{}' where id='{}' ".format(name,pw,grade,id ) cur.execute( code ) # 管理员登录 def manger_sign( user_id, user_pw): code = "select name from users where id='{}' and pw='{}'".format( user_id, user_pw) if cur.execute( code ): return True, cur.fetchall()[0][0] return False,""
(3)option.config: 配置文件,
[Python] 纯文本查看 复制代码
{'init': 'true', 'host': 'localhost', 'user': 'root', 'password': 'root', 'database': 'warehouse'}
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''' 设置 1、数据库信息 set{} 2、用户信息( 当前登录 ) user{} 3、设置数据库: (1)未设置, 设置; (2)已设置, 跳过。 4、连接数据库 mysql_conn 5、利润设置 profit ''' import pymysql # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # 利润设置 profit = 0.1 # 数据库设置 set = dict() set = { "init":"", "host":"", "user":"", "password":"", "database":"" } # 当前登录用户 user = { "name":"", "id":"" } # 管理员是否登录 manger_signing = False def read_con(): with open("option.config", "r") as f: ret = eval( f.read() ) for item in ret: set[item] = ret[item] def init_database(): conn = pymysql.connect(set["host"], set["user"], set["password"] ) cursor = conn.cursor() # 创建数据库 try: cursor.execute("create database warehouse") set["database"] = "warehouse" except Exception as e : print("数据库:", e ) cursor.close() conn.close() # 重新连接数据库 conn = pymysql.connect(set["host"], set["user"], set["password"] , "warehouse" ) cursor = conn.cursor() # 创建用户表 # # 用户: user: {user_name,id, password, reg_time} try: cursor.execute(""" create table users ( name varchar(20), id varchar(20) primary key, pw varchar(20), grade varchar(20) check( grade in ('管理员','普通操作员')), seg timestamp ) """) except Exception as e: print("用户表:", e ) # 添加管理员账号 # # 账号: root , 密码: toor try: code = "insert into users(name,id,pw,grade) values('终极Boss','root','toor','管理员')" cursor.execute( code ) except Exception as e: print("操作员: " , e) #创建购货表 # # 采购--进货: purchase: {id, name, price, num, statu(定、收、退), shop,phone ,user_id} try: cursor.execute(""" create table purchase( id varchar(20) primary key, name varchar(20), price double, num int, state varchar(15) check( state in('定货','收货','退货') ), shop varchar(20), phone varchar(20), user_id varchar(20) ) """ ) except Exception as e: print("购货表: ",e) #库存: # # stock: {id, sum, price, name, } try: cursor.execute(""" create table stock( id varchar(20) primary key, sum int, price double, name varchar(20) ) """) except Exception as e: print("库存表: ", e) #账目表 # # 流水账--卖出: runuing: {id, stock_id, num, account, time, user} try: cursor.execute(""" create table running( id varchar(20) primary key, stock_id varchar(20), num int, account double, time timestamp, user_id varchar(20) ) """) except Exception as e: print("账目表: ", e) cursor.close() conn.close() def main(): read_con() if set["init"] == "False": init_database() set["init"] = "true" with open("option.config","w") as f: f.write( str( set )) return pymysql.connect(set["host"], set["user"], set["password"], set["database"] ) # 数据库连接 mysql_conn = main() ''' if __name__ == "__main__": conn = main().cursor() conn.close() '''
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